Everyone can type, but not everyone can write. That's where I come in.
Most people are familiar with blank page syndrome: you know what you want to say but can't find the right words. The other side of the coin is finding plenty of words, but knowing they're in the wrong order.
Whatever problem's preventing you from being ready to publish, I can help. I'll take your raw material and ensure it's good to go, whether it's a book, script, feature, website, ad or flyer.
Before your work goes public I'll check that it's accurate, logical and free of errors, omissions, inconsistencies and repetitions. I'll methodically pick up spelling, grammatical and stylistic mistakes as well as ambiguities, anomalies and structural issues. I'll fix spacing and fonts and will usually identify all sorts of problems you hadn't considered.
Do your chapter titles tie in with the contents list? Are illustrations and captions in the right places and do you have copyright? Does the narrative or argument make sense to your readers? Are your sentences too long? Do you overuse italic, bold, capitals, exclamation marks and the passive voice?
I'll also query or check doubtful facts and weak arguments, and might even mention that one of your characters changes his eye colour on page 74.
You don't have to be in Bath for me to edit your text; email makes this a piece of cake. In fact, send one right now if you want me to get cracking straight away. An email, I mean, though cake is nice too.